Advances in Basic and Translational Research in Tropical Infectious Diseases
Event Details
Chair: Jesus Valenzuela Vice Chair: Carolina Barillas Mury Meeting description: The 2017 Gordon Research Conference on Tropical Infectious Diseases will present cutting edge
Event Details
Jesus Valenzuela
Vice Chair:
Carolina Barillas Mury
Meeting description:
The 2017 Gordon Research Conference on Tropical Infectious Diseases will present cutting edge research on the most prevalent and medically important tropical infectious diseases (TIDs). This will be the fifth time that this particular GRC will be held, and it will have a thematic organization similar to that of the very successful conference held in 2015. The intent is to gather a multidisciplinary community of scientists and discuss cutting edge basic, field-based and translational research in TIDs.
The 2017 GRC will include disease-focused sessions on arboviral diseases (including dengue, chikungunya and Zika), helminth infections, malaria and Chagas disease. In addition there will be thematic sessions, including Microbiomes of Tropical Diseases Vectors, Advances in Vector Biology, and Advances in Translational Strategies to Prevent Tropical Diseases. For each session, invited speakers who are at the forefront of their respective fields will discuss how progress made at the bench is being translated to actions in the field, emphasizing interventions based on treatment, vaccination, or interrupting the transmission cycle in the vector or reservoir hosts.
An important goal of the GRC is to attract junior scientists and graduate students, including those from disease endemic countries, to present their work in poster format and exchange ideas with leaders in the field. Following a successful format from the previous conference, there will be a 2-day Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) organized for senior doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers. Selected participants will give oral presentations and present posters in a setting that promotes networking and gears them towards the GRC that follows on the next day. There will also be a discussion panel organized during the GRS, on careers in science, and participants will have the opportunity to interact with the panel members during the GRS and GRC. The GRS will be an excellent opportunity for highly motivated junior investigators from disease endemic areas to develop collaborations with senior investigators and strengthen on-going research in their own countries.
The Conference will be held in a historic seaside hotel in Galveston, Texas, which offers relaxing beaches and one of the best-preserved concentrations of Victorian architecture in the country. The presentations of cutting edge research, along with the programmed discussion sessions and opportunities for informal gatherings in the afternoons and evenings, will serve to greatly enrich the community of multidisciplinary scientists working on TIDs.
Application deadline:
Applications for this meeting must be submitted by February 12, 2017. Please apply early, as some meetings become oversubscribed (full) before this deadline. If the meeting is oversubscribed, it will be stated here. Note: Applications for oversubscribed meetings will only be considered by the Conference Chair if more seats become available due to cancellations.
For the program information, please visit the organizers page, Gordon Research Conference
>>Registration: Tropical Infectious Diseases Gordon Research Conference
Preliminary Program
The topics and speakers for the conference sessions are displayed below (italics denote discussion leaders). The Conference Chair is currently developing their detailed program, which will include the complete meeting schedule, as well as the talk titles for all speakers. The detailed program will be available by November 12, 2016. Please check the organizers page for updates.
- Keynote Session: Vector-Host and Vector-Pathogen Interactions (Jesus Valenzuela/Jose Ribeiro/Serap Aksoy)
- Helminth Research and Control (Maria Elena Bottazzi/ Meera G.Nair/Conor Caffrey/Pauline Mwinzi/Alex Loukas)
- Chagas Disease, Genomics, Pathogenesis and Immunity (Eric Dumonteil/ Santuza Teixeira/Nisha Garg/Igor Almeida/Walderez Dutra)
- Emergent Arboviruses: Zika, Dengue and Chikungunya (Nikos Vasilakis/Scott Weaver/Albert Ko/Eva Harris/Shee Mei Lok/Stephen Whitehead)
- Micro biomes of Tropical Diseases Vectors (Serap Aksoy/Mary Wilson/George Dimopoulos/Shaden Kamhawi)
- Advances in Vector Biology Research (Jose Ribeiro/Dorothee Misse/ Joao Pedra/Alvaro Molina-Cruz/Pamela Pennington/Abdoulaye Diabate/Leslie Vosshall)
- Basic and Field Work Advances in Malaria (Rick Fairhurst/Xin-Zhuan Su/Kirk Deitsch/Peter Crompton)
- Translational Strategies to Prevent Tropical Diseases (Peter Hotez/Afzal Siddiqui/Steven Reed/Hira Nakhasi/Maria Elena Bottazzi/Luciano Moreira/Peter Billingsley/Anandasankar Ray)
- Keynote Session: Host-Parasite Interactions and Innate Immunity (Carolina Barillas Mury/Ricardo Gazzinelli/Marcelo Jacobs-Lorena
2017-03-12 - 2017-03-17 (All Day)(GMT+00:00)
Hotel Galvez
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