Pater Eeuwensweg 36 Willemstad Curaçao

+5999 788 9903

Connecting Research Across The Globe

Our Gratitude to The Dutch Research Council (N.W.O) and ZonMw for Supporting Research Projects in the Dutch Caribbean


We are deeply thankful to The Dutch Research Council (N.W.O) and ZonMw for their generous support, which has empowered us to undertake vital research initiatives in the Dutch Caribbean. CBHRI is navigating the challenge of maintaining high-quality research in the face of limited local funding opportunities. The funding we have secured marks a crucial advancement in bolstering our research capabilities and improving healthcare in the Dutch Caribbean. This funding empowers us to initiate projects that enhance scientific advancement while also ensuring the practical use of this knowledge within the community.

Continuing to enhance both national and international partnerships while drawing in external funding is crucial. Through collaboration and shared investments, we believe we can enhance the health and well-being of our local communities.


webdesign in collaboration with:
Special thanks to:

Claudia Bakker, CBM webdesign



Eurydice Martina, Creative Director and webdesign


Angelo Harms, Curaçao Tourist Board (CTB)



Marjolein Verlinden, Design á la Carte