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Community participation in mosquito breeding site control: an interdisciplinary mixed methods study in Curaçao

Parasites & Vectors
2017, Volume 10:434
Authors: Jelte Elisinga, Henry T. van der Veen,  Izzy Gerstenbluth, Johannes G. M. Burgerhof, Arie Dijkstra, Martin P. Grobusch, Adriana Tami and Ajay Bailey.


Health-related impact on quality of life and coping strategies for chikungunya: a study in Curaçao

PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases
2017, Volume 11(10): e0005987

Authors: Jelte Elisinga, Martin P. Grobusch, Adriana Tami,  Izzy Gerstenbluth and Ajay Bailey.


Hyperferritinemia is a potential marker of chronic chikungunya: a retrospective study on the Island of Curaçao during the 2014-2015 Outbreak

Journal of Clinical Virology
2017, Volume 18, Pages: 31-38
Authors: Fatih Anfasa, Lisette Provacia, Corine Geurts van Kessel, Robert Wever, Izzy Gerstenbluth, Albert D. M. E. Osterhaus and Byron E. E. Martina.



The pathogenesis of chronic chikungunya: evolving concepts

Future Virology
2016, Issue: 11.1, Pages: 61-77
Authors: Roosenhoff, Rueshandra, Fatih Anfasa, and Byron Martina.